The Most Available
By Lexi Ellis
“For it is God who works in you,
both to will
and to work for His good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:13
I overheard one of my precious fourth graders trying to convince the other that
he/she was “more busier.” After gently correcting the superlative (always a
teachable moment), I smiled and lovingly said, “I guarantee you both are
busy. Now, how about we get busy with learning?”
don’t need to convince you we’re busy. I don’t need evidence and studies to
show we’re fast-paced…that our world never seems to stop. And yet, in the midst
of the busyness, God has recently laid on my heart that He calls us to be
we look at Christ’s ministry, we see Him becoming more available to others as
His ministry continued. His availability increased, despite having a much
“busier” mission. We see Christ pausing to be available for questions and to
love on others. John Hinger, a youth pastor in Illinois, told my Student
Council members at a leadership conference, “Those who make the greatest impact
are the most available.”
we show up, we have opportunities for God to use us. When we are available to
God, we are given the joy of caring for others. When we slow down, we give God
the opportunity for open doors to share Christ with others and tangibly show
His love.
think of the times my husband has stopped what he’s doing to be available when
I needed to talk. I think of how my parents have made themselves available to
just sit and listen when tragedy has struck. I think of the response work team
that left to help after Hurricane Sandy, or the individual who covers a Sunday
School class when there’s a need. These people are available.
isn’t to say that what we fill our lives with is bad, or that we should drop
everything. Nor am I trying to guilt you into serving. But what I personally
have been convicted of is that we need to be available to God, so He can use us
to be available to others.
are the tangible hands of the Church and we must be willing to ask the Holy
Spirit how He wants us to be available. It will look different for all of us.
Maybe being available is responding to the email when your church needs
something. Maybe being available is carving out time in your schedule to build
into others or serve. Maybe being available is paying attention to when God
wants you to just show up and be present with someone.
are busy…even my dear fourth graders. But Jesus was available…and we are called
to be, too.
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of what
tangible way you need to be available today.
recently married Andrew, serves with Children’s Ministries at Oakwood, and is a
fourth grade teacher at Lake Country Christian Academy.