Thursday, March 28, 2013

Outside the Camp
By Elin Henderson

“Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.”
 Hebrews 13:13(NKJV)

Inside the gates of the Temple was a place of extreme importance for all of Israel. Among other roles, the High Priests had the essential task of the annual atonement of Israel, which depended on their sacrifices done within the safety and confines of these gates. The common people too would have to enter into these same walls and gates to offer their personal sacrifices. 

The cities and camps the people lived in, likewise, had gates and walls. Safety was found in the confines of the wall. The only ones outside the walls were the outcasts, left to fend for themselves. 

But, Jesus came and broke the molds. Where was the Lamb of God sacrificed according to Hebrews 13:12-13? Outside the gate on a hill called Calvary, way outside even the city limits, the place where the outcasts were found. 

He calls us to join Him there, outside the gates and walls, to a ministry of reproach - - not ease - - as we reach out to the lost and needy. So many of us are content to serve within the safe, comfortable confines of the gates of our church, like the High Priests of Jesus’ day in their Temple service. Others are willing to venture out into their safe and secure suburbs/camps, within the walls.  But, how many are willing to go outside the gates and walls where the needs are great, the laborers are few, and the reproach is high? There certainly are risks, but according to the next verse (14) the rewards are greater. Outside the camp is the threshold into the “continuing city that is to come.”

So, let’s break the molds and join Him in His risky endeavors “outside the camp.” 
1.  Where would “outside the camp” be for you?
2.  What are some ways you can begin breaking down the barriers that are holding you back from joining Him outside the walls? 

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to twelve-year-old Callie and ten-year-old Elias. They are currently in America on Home Assignment.