Express Yourself!
Susan Klein
then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him,
rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and
overflowing with thankfulness.”
Thank you, muchas gracias, merci, danke, matter how you say it, its meaning is universally understood and
appreciated. Even if you’ve never studied a foreign language, you can almost
always detect when someone is expressing his or her gratitude. There is a certain
posture of humility and respect that flow from genuine gratefulness.
Thankfulness is intentionally communicated; it’s not an accidental occurrence. Once formulated in our minds and most often felt in our hearts, it becomes a predetermined path we choose to take. Its outward expression is frequently conveyed in the simplest of words. “Thank you” is one of the first phrases we teach our children, desiring to impart an eventual attitude of gratitude as they grow and learn.
As we mature in our faith walk, our gratitude should increase to the point of overflowing, as stated in the verse above. And this, not only in our gratitude to each other, but even more so in our gratitude to our Savior. The way the word “overflowing” is used communicates it’s something that should not just be experienced internally, but actively communicated outwardly. Our expression of gratitude should overflow: exceedingly, abundantly, beyond measure!
I know I struggle with this concept at times. My gratitude tends to stem from emotion. If I feel it, I’ll show it. But, I don’t always spend time intentionally showing gratitude to God (or others for that matter) for everything, regardless of how I’m feeling at that particular moment. Yet, when I do make the effort, reflecting on all that I have to be thankful for and pouring out my gratitude, even when “I don’t feel like it,” it results in a genuine heart transformation! One can’t help but be affected by sincere and humble thanks, whether being on the giving or the receiving end of it.
How about you? Are you continuing to live in Christ, rooted and built up by Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, overflowing with thankfulness for all He is and does for you?!!
1. Can you express genuine thankfulness even when things aren’t going your way?
2. Do you find your “attitude of gratitude” increasing with age? If not, is your faith walk being strengthened by like-minded people and time spent with God in His Word?
Susan is a We Women Bible Study
Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring
and working with inner-city youth.