Can I Have One?
Jeannine Sawall
of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
While I like to think I have taught my
children to have a generous spirit, occasionally, their generosity can be
called into question. While eating, I asked one of my boys if I could have one
of his french fries. He started looking
in his bag of fries with diligence. I sat there waiting with great expectation;
he must be searching for the best fry in the package! Finally, he pulled one
out and handed it to me…a burnt little stub of a fry!! “Really!?!…this is the best you have for me?”
I asked. “If I give you more, I won’t
have enough!” was his reply. I told him he had a WHOLE bag of fries and he could
share a few with his mom! He begrudgingly pulled out a couple of decent-looking
fries to share.
At first, I was a little miffed at his
stinginess. I mean, after all…I paid for those fries…technically, they were ALL
mine. Whenever my boys ask to share something I had, I happily handed it over.
Hadn’t I modeled a generous spirit to them? As I sat there with my thoughts, it
came to me that oftentimes I offer the Lord that same stubby, burnt fry as
well. How often had He asked for my time, my energy, my talents and I
begrudgingly game Him a few minutes, a half-hearted effort or something less
than my best? Everything I had came from His hand… didn’t He deserve better
than that?
It’s easy to see others’ lack of generosity,
but it’s more difficult to see our own. How often has the Lord asked something
of us and we’ve offered him the short, burnt fry? Maybe it’s a ministry you’re
being asked to be a part of and you feel you can’t spare the time. Perhaps it’s
a friend who needs some encouragement and you just don’t feel you have the
energy. Or maybe it’s a talent you’re being asked to share when you are feeling
overwhelmed already. We need to consider all we have - - our time, our energy
and our talents - - as gifts from the Lord and we need to examine our responses
when asked to share them. Sometimes, it is legitimate to say “no,” but often,
we are called to say “yes” despite wanting to offer only the short fry! We can
trust the Lord to always provide us with enough!
1. Where
in your life are you offering less than your best to the Lord?
2. What
can you do to trust Him more with your time, talent and energies?
is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and actively
walks along those experiencing grief.