“Don’t Rob Me”
By Susan Klein
“Freely you have received, freely give.”
10:8b (NIV)
Recently while at a flea market, I found myself returning to a
table filled with cases of jewelry that had previously caught my eye. There
were some particularly unusual pieces that I wanted to revisit. The lady behind
the table said, “Feel free to open any of the cases and try things on.” I
removed a small necklace that seemed to have two tiny flowers encased in a
glass box. After trying it on, I wasn’t really sure about the length so I
gently placed it back in the case. The lady, now helping another potential
customer, saw me start to move away from the table. “Hold on for a minute,” she
beckoned. A few seconds later, she pulled the necklace from the case, looked
tenderly into my eyes and said, “God told me to give this to you.” She added,
“He didn’t speak in an audible voice, but He spoke to my heart, and I want you
to have this.”
Overwhelmed by her sincere gesture, I thanked her, and offered to
gladly pay her somethig for it. She replied, “Don’t rob me of my blessing! Why
do we so often feel the need to repay someone when they want to bless us?
Please, just accept it.” I gratefully did, thanking both her and my amazing God
for showing their love to me in this tangible way.
As I sat later, in a beautiful spot in the woods by a stream
(being blessed once again), I reflected on this exchange. I imagine God feels
much the same at times in His exchanges with us. He desires to freely bless us,
yet we still feel we must somehow “pay” Him, or “earn” His blessing. Getting
something for nothing is a difficult concept for many. His gift (to us) of
Salvation was bought and paid for by someone else, His Son, and it is offered
freely to us. Some struggle with this concept. “It’s too simple,” they
skeptically proclaim. “We must have to do something in exchange.” Or when an
unexpected blessing drops into our lives, we can’t accept that it is truly
meant for us, or we question what will be expected in return. I can hear God
saying, “Don’t rob me of my blessing! Just accept it.”
dear woman at the flea market not only had her ears tuned to the voice of God,
but she willingly and lovingly obeyed His promptings. She understood that He
had freely given her all she had, and she could, in the same way, freely give
to others.
In what ways might you be wrestling with the concept of God’s “free” gifts to
Are you being prompted by His Spirit to bless someone else?
Susan enjoys teaching
Bible studies, writing, and mentoring. She and her husband Mark enjoy opening
their home to those in need.