Box of Blessings
Brita Crouse
“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and
out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful
Timothy 4:2 (NIV)
Sitting on the top shelf of my closet, among
my fleece blanket, rolled up band posters, and old ballet slippers, is a box.
This big box took up residence in my closet during my college days. On the
outside, it’s just your average cardboard box, but the inside holds the true
This box is special to me because it is my
“box of blessings,” brimming with encouraging notes, drawings, tickets,
playbills, trinkets, a lei, and other various mementos from my college days.
Recently, I gathered up the courage to sort
through this overflowing box to get a start on my college scrapbook. I was
daunted by the task of going through hundreds of notes, but as I began, I was
astounded by how truly blessed I was by every person who wrote me.
I found notes written anonymously with Bible
verses or prayers on them. I read biblical truths written by many of the girls
who lived on my floor. I found letters of encouragement and wisdom from my
brothers in Christ. I relived precious memories from my last semester as I read
through notes from my apartment-mates. I had notes to mourn with me and notes
to rejoice with me. There were cards from professors and hall directors, from
family and friends back home. I even found postcards sent by friends living and
traveling around the world.
To me, this box is a picture of how the body
of Christ should function. We are meant to correct, rebuke, encourage, and
spread God’s Word, no matter our season of life…and always to do so out of
love. None of these notes started with “Brita, I don’t like that you...” or
“Brita, I wish you would change...”
Life is not easy. But, when we have a body
of believers surrounding us, truly desiring what is best for us, we can be
provided with encouragement. Likewise, when we see another person hurting, we
can step in and be the encourager. It doesn’t take much, just a kind word or
Bible verse, a helping hand, or simply noticing a unique quality in someone
My hope is that we can find encouragement in
one another, as believers in the same God. I hope to continually add to my box
and I want to always remember how blessed I truly am.
Let’s continue to give and receive
encouragement until we all have a “box of blessings.”
1. Who can you encourage this week?
2. Write a note to someone this week,
expressing God’s love, truth and encouragement.
recently graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Psychology, and is
currently a helper for Oakwood’s Quest 56 and the Just Among Moms weekly
childcare team.