Friday, December 27, 2013

Intentionally Obvious or Covert
By Peggy Kleckner

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.”

Recently at work, we were asked to come dressed in camouflage or blaze orange in honor of hunters. Some of the people at work try and lighten things up by suggesting these things. Packer attire on one day, perhaps Badger attire for the Wisconsin college team on another day….you get the idea.

In any case, being married to a passionate hunter meant this clothing was readily available. I came dressed in the over-sized, down-to-my-knees, blaze orange long-sleeved shirt of my husband. Since not everyone joins in on these things, let’s just say I definitely was noticeable. Another woman had on a blaze orange vest, but wore it under an unzipped sweatshirt. Essentially then, you only saw the blaze orange if she was facing you, unlike myself who could be spotted from a very great distance.

My manager came dressed in her husband’s shirt, but she had chosen the camouflage fabric for the day. In earthy browns and greens, she was a quieter participator in the day’s fun.

Although I am used to this fabric being in my home and on my husband, I had not worn it before myself. I don’t really like drawing attention to myself and I certainly thought a lot more people would be dressed in the same fashion. I wasn’t quite prepared to be so obvious!

When I applied this scenario to my walk as a Christian, I realized sometimes I wear camouflage. Outwardly I look like any other human being, but in some circumstances it will become very obvious I am different. Like a star that can only be seen at night, it is my setting that displays my true nature.

As Christ’s ambassador, I may be called to speak one-on-one with someone who will then see the blaze of His love in me (like the friend who wore the vest under her sweatshirt that was only seen when she faced someone). At other times, He may choose to set me on display in some fashion (like wearing blaze orange at work for the day).

In the midst of my everyday life, He may ask me to swap out my camouflage for blaze orange in order to display His glory as His ambassador to those who don’t yet know Him. My actions will follow the intent of my Father. Although this may not be “comfortable,” it most certainly is the work of an ambassador.

1. In what circumstance this week have you felt Him call you to display the light of His love?
2. Are you recognizing His lead and His choosing, or are you setting up your own display?


Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield.