Thursday, January 9, 2014

Light of the World
By Jeannine Sawall

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
John 12:46 (NIV)

Christmas is undoubtedly my favorite season. It’s not because of the gifts or shopping, parties or plans, but because of the lights. Everywhere you look, there is the added sparkle of Christmas lights. Candles burn on mantles, icicle lights shimmer in the snow, ornaments reflect a thousand points of light as they dangle off the Christmas tree, even the heavens seem to declare the glory of that Silent Night with crisp, clear skies alight with the twinkling of millions of stars. Darkness is dispelled as the world is aglow in shiny celebration of the season.

And as the world celebrated Christmas by displaying the glow and shimmer of all kinds of lights, God celebrated by sending Jesus, the Light of the Word. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5). Jesus is the Light who shines in the darkness that is too often life.

In the midst of our Christmas celebrations, we may have found ourselves dealing with the pain, fear, and despair that life sometimes brings. Jesus lights up our lives with love and hope. When we find that we’ve lost our way or are stumbling around in the darkness, Jesus’ light provides an open path to follow. If we feel overwhelmed and can’t see straight, the Light of the World illuminates our situation so we can gain a better perspective. Maybe the busy-ness of all that occurred this season has obscured your vision, and you can’t see past the long list of things you didn’t quite finish or still need to do before everything is packed away. Allow Jesus to clear your vision and see the real reason you celebrate once again. Jesus’ light, the ultimate Christmas light, shines forever, leading the world out of darkness and into life with God.

As this holiday season draws to a close, as you enjoy the many Christmas lights still shining in the darkness, take a moment and reflect on Jesus, the real Light of Christmas. Allow the glory of His coming to clear your head of all the distractions and busy-ness that take your focus off Jesus, and bask in the glow of His love and care for you. He has come so that we would no longer be in darkness, but alive in the Light of His wonderful glory and grace. 

1. Is there a situation in your life that makes you feel as if you are in a place of darkness? How might His light offer hope to you in this area?
2. Has the busy-ness of this past season caused you to lose focus? Allow the Light of the World to clear your vision and begin to celebrate Him!


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in the property management business. Jeannine is actively involved in ministry to those walking through grief.