Thursday, January 23, 2014

Whose Will?
By Karen D’Amore

“…Thy will be done…”

My husband and I were blindsided with a situation which was illogical and beyond our control. Backed into a corner with no apparent solution, we threw ourselves before the throne of God…desperate, frustrated and befuddled. We needed God’s miraculous intervention as we explored our options and solutions.

Petitioning our fellow prayer warriors, I sent out a message: “PRAYERS NEEDED FOR MIRACULOUS GOD-HONORING INTERVENTION  - -  GOD KNOWS THE DETAILS.” Discerning the need to hear specifically from God alone, we kept the details of our circumstances private. For weeks, friends encouraged us with their commitment to pray while my husband and I continued to discuss, pray and wait for resolution.

As I pleaded with God in my personal prayers, I articulated my presumably perfect solutions. Interestingly enough, God did not take any of my solutions into consideration. My ideas and solutions were, of course, those which were most appealing to our comfort zone and on the path of least resistance. I must confess I was a tad miffed when the conflict didn’t get resolved my way.

In the midst of my disappointment, I received a message from a friend who’d been praying. She wrote, “I hope God answers your prayers.” I wanted to respond, “Well, He didn’t!” But then I heard that small, still voice reciting portions of The Lord’s Prayer. Conviction welled within my soul as I nearly choked on those four small words, “Thy will be done!”

Our logic-defying situation was no mystery to God. In fact, He had allowed  it to pass through our lives so it wasn’t beyond His ability to fix it His way! As I reflected on The Lord’s Prayer, my prayers changed to: “Okay Lord, what is Your will in this struggle? How do you desire for us to respond? Is there a lesson? Please use this experience as a refining tool to conform us into Your image.”

God eventually resolved our situation in His way and according to His will. His supernatural intervention produced miraculous results - - not in our circumstances - - but in us! A materialistic, earthly crisis brought us to our knees and God penetrated our hearts for eternal results and God-honoring change. My way would not have produced this!

God is not a magic genie, to whom we present a laundry list of requests with our preconceived answers. As Christ-followers, we must believe that God always  answers prayer…and trust Him to answer His way:
·         “No, I love you too much!”
·         “Yes…but you’ll have to wait!”
·         “Yes…but not what you expected!”
·         “Yes…and here’s more!”
·         “Yes…I thought you’d never ask!”

1. Whose will are you praying for?


As a retired police officer and married to husband Dan, Karen currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.