Thursday, May 28, 2015

Choose Joy
By Brita Crouse

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”

“I’m so ready for this to be over so I can move onto something else.” I was surprised to hear one of my friends express this discontent over her current stage of life, secretly wishing she was having the experiences of another one of our friends. I was surprised, not because what she was saying was unbelievable, but because I was feeling the very same way.

As we sat around the dinner table, talking with friends, I was somewhat relieved to know I was not alone in feeling this way. This feeling of wanting more or wanting something else was not just unique to me. As I took my turn speaking this struggle out loud, I watched the heads at the table nod in agreement. I couldn’t believe it. All this time I had been feeling burdened and there were others going through the exact same thing. 

I am a student. Most of my friends are married or homeowners or settling into careers. This whole year has been a constant battle for me. I am continually reminding myself that just because we are in different places, does not mean any of us are in a better place than the others.

My heart hurt as I began to realize this opportunity I have been given to attend an amazing school and learn from some of the best professionals in my field, was being wasted away on envy.

When I read the verse above, all I could think was How?  How is it possible to always be joyful? How can I always be praying? How can I give thanks in every situation, especially when I am feeling the way I do about my current one? These seem like daunting tasks. But, this is God’s will for us.

As I considered what it means to be joyful, I found it is more of a constant state. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is an overall state of being. We all have good days and bad days…and that is okay! But, our attitude through all of it should be a joyful one. Something easier said than done, but as believers, we have the power of prayer. Praying for a change of heart or mind or even just some perspective is a great place to start when trying to change a discontented attitude into a joyful one.

Is there a situation leaving you feeling discontent? Give thanks for the lessons you can learn through this circumstance. Pray about it. Choose joy instead.

1.  How can you choose joy and take an attitude of thankfulness today?


Brita is currently working toward her Master’s in Counseling at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She has called Oakwood her home church for the past seventeen years.