Friday, June 26, 2015

Speak Over the Fear
By Lexi Cole Ellis

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Our words are powerful. In my classroom, I have this sign hanging up:

Similarly, there’s a familiar object lesson that teachers often use. Kids get to empty a tube of toothpaste (symbolizing their words) and then have to desperately try to put the toothpaste back in the tube…showing that our words are easy to say, but difficult to take back. Moreover, Nelson Hawk’s song “Words” also examines the reality of how powerful our words are:

Words can build you up,
Words can break you down.
Start a fire in your heart or
Put it out.

Let my words be life.
Let my words be truth.
I don't wanna say a word,
Unless it points the world back to You [1]

Certainly, there is a need to be very aware of what we say. But if I’m honest, all of that isn’t what’s challenging for me. The lesson of “watch what you say” is an easy one for me. While I’m certainly not perfect and there’s always a continual need to be aware of “guarding our tongue,” sometimes it’s easier for me to say nothing at all than be concerned about what to say.

In the second verse, the same song mentions to use words to speak over the fear. That one line captivated me. As a believer, I am called to speak above the fears I have. Often, for me, fear is rooted in insecurity concerning myself and fear of what others think. I am called to acknowledge my fears, but then address them and speak over them. It made me wonder: What’s the fear I need to speak over in my life? What part of my life makes me silent (because of fear) when I should be speaking over it? Is it a relationship that needs to have a (loving and respectful) conversation? Is it a conflict that I need to address? Is it a fear that I need to validate and bring before the Lord? Is it a situation at work where I need to acknowledge the fear, but speak over it?

The verse above is a familiar one, but an incredible reminder that we have not be given a spirit of fear. Because our words have power…because our words have incredible potential…we need to use our words to speak over the fears we have.


1. What fears can you identify in your life? What do you need to do to “speak over” your fears?
2. Take time today to listen to “Words.” (You can listen by clicking HERE.) What lines are meaningful to you?


Lexi is married to Andrew, has a puppy named Calvin and is a sixth grade teacher. She serves with Children’s Ministries and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.