Thursday, March 29, 2018

Defining Words
By Karen D’Amore

A good name is more desirable than great riches;
To be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

As a writer I have an insatiable appetite for words! Words are powerful in their capability of communicating, hurting and healing, inspiring, teaching and…defining. As an instructor, I use word-themed icebreakers in my classes to get acquainted with my students. As each student introduces themselves, I have them share one word they’d use to define themselves. While these descriptive word associations help me learn the students’ names, they also provide valuable insight into their self-perceptions. As I draw my students to reflect on their “defining” words, I exhort them to become the best version of themselves by striving to live their purpose.

In light of evangelist Billy Graham’s recent death, I gained an insightful, in-hindsight  perspective. During an interview on The Today Show, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, shared a conversation he’d had with his father regarding what inscription he wanted on his headstone at the time of his death. Billy Graham responded with one word: “Preacher!”

A preacher is defined as “a person whose occupation or function is to preach the gospel.” [1] From what I know about Billy Graham, I believe the world would concur that he embodied the defining word he chose to be remembered by: “Preacher!”  In retrospect, as multitudes of stories and video footage emerge honoring and chronicling the legacy of this memorable preacher, it’s extraordinarily evident that this amazing man of God…faithfully lived his purpose.

Upon considering the one word that I’d want inscribed on my headstone, I wrestled with conviction. When reflecting on the God-honoring words I’d select from, I had inadvertently illuminated and magnified my own shortcomings. Throughout the course of my life, with my purpose drifting to and away from God, there are people who only knew that “old me.”  Due to those God-rejecting years, I didn’t feel worthy of choosing the one word I wish I’d been faithful in consistently fulfilling. As my critical spirit began spiraling into self-condemnation, God shifted my focus to Romans 3:23.

“…for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Even…Billy Graham! And though I can’t go back and change my rebellious godless years, Romans 3:24 assures me that my past does not define me now.

“…and ALL are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.”

Now, I passionately desire to live my purpose as a God-honoring platform and testament to the power of redemption. Because of Jesus, the one word I feel confidently worthy of having inscribed on my headstone is…REDEEMED!

1. What’s your one defining word?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and as an instructor in the Cosmetology Department at WCTC. Karen also serves on the Welcoming Team at Oakwood.
