Friday, March 2, 2018

Why Re-Write It?
By Lisa Boyer

Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

I love listening to the words of songs by some of the amazing Christian artists of today (and yesterday)! Last week as I traveled home from visiting my mom, I had MercyMe’s Hurt and the Healer  CD playing. When track number four started, I found myself thinking about what an important message the song had and how much I would love to remind everyone of this message. Being that I’m not a singer, the only way I can convey the message of a song is by writing a devotional about it. But why re-write the song into a devotional when the song says it all:   

“To whom it may concern:  when will we learn we are all the same? Do you really think that you're the first to fall along the way? It may sound crazy but what if you don't try to run. Rather than kick our wounded, we could just lift you up….

I can see it's written on your face, it reads with every line, wishing you could somehow just erase or even turn back time. Don't let yourself buy into the lie that you are too far gone. So let us remind you that you're not what you have done.

… We're not throwing stones… You are not your shame… You can't go alone… We won't go away….

Breathe deep and believe that wherever you go, it don't matter how high, don't matter how low, it comes down to being found and Who you know….”

Did you catch that?

Wow. What else is there to say? Nothing! Okay, maybe just this: “Breathe deep and believe that wherever you go, it don't matter how high, don't matter how low, it comes down to being found and Who [Jesus] you know.” [1]

1.  Have you been struggling with shame over your past? Jesus paid for it on the cross. Today will you meet with Him in prayer so you that can be found and know Him?
2.  Is there someone in your life that needs to be reminded of this? Will you forward this devotional to them and then pray for them, being sensitive to how God may want you to help.

Lisa has been married to Ted for 23 years and they have two sons in college. Lisa serves in Quest 56 on Sunday mornings at Oakwood.

[1] Mercy Me: “To Whom It May Concern.” Fair Trade Services , 2012. Want to listen to this song? Here’s the link: