Friday, November 16, 2018

By Sarah Walker

All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3 (ESV)

The other day I saw a young woman a few houses down with her photography camera; she was pausing at various locations to get good shots of the ash trees lining my road. Letting nothing stop her, the photographer went into the middle of the street, laid down on the grass looking up, and then traveled from one side of the road to the next. All to capture the vibrant hues of yellow, red and even a slight purple that surrounded her.

Watching her reminded me of a time when I was babysitting a three-year-old boy. I brought him outside to see a rainbow, and he couldn’t hold back his wonder and excitement at seeing the rainbow and how beautiful it was. His whole body reflected his amazement as he jumped up and down, uttering awestruck words.

The photographer and the young boy. Both enamored with the beauty around them. Both going out of their way to stop and wonder at what they saw. It makes me ask how often we do this. How often do we stop what we are doing just to marvel at God’s creation? There are examples of God’s handiwork all around us in nature, but are we too caught up in our own lives and to-do lists that we forget to look for God and rejoice in what He has made?

We weren’t meant to be so busy rushing through life and getting things accomplished that we forget to stop and see God at work. We replenish our souls when we take time to wonder at God and the work of His hands. He is the Creator of everything around us, and He has placed within each of us the ability to be awestruck by His creation. We aren’t meant to worship nature itself, but nature certainly can be used to point us to our Creator in worship.

As we revel in what God has made, we learn to appreciate Him and what He is capable of. He didn’t just paint the colors we see around us…He designed them. He designed the rainbow with its colors painted across the sky. He designed the seasons and the varied hues of autumn, winter, spring and summer. He created everything around us, and it is all designed to point us back to Him as the Creator of it all.

1.    Take some time today to pause… just for the sole purpose of marveling at God’s creation.
2.    Listen to the song “Don’t Let Me Lose My Wonder.” by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer and are expecting to welcome their third son in January.