Friday, December 21, 2018

How He Came
By Sarah Walker

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14b (ESV)

At this time of year, we often hear how Jesus came to earth as an infant. And there is complete truth in this. But being pregnant at Christmastime this year, I have found myself considering that while Jesus did come to earth as a baby…He, in fact, arrived sooner than His birth. In both Matthew and Luke, the two Gospels which contain the story surrounding the birth of Jesus, we hear about His conception. We are told the details around how He came to earth, but His arrival didn’t begin the day of His birth.

He was present in Mary’s womb, where she carried Him for nine months before anyone else got to meet Him. He chose to arrive as a zygote…a fertilized egg…a fetus. Call it what you will, and regardless of the precise specifics around how it happened, Jesus made His incarnation first known in the tiniest form of life possible. Often overlooked today, He was present in the most helpless of human forms inside Mary’s womb, as fully God and fully man. He arrived humbly and unseen, more like a seed planted and hidden away to grow.

In much the same way, Jesus often starts His work in us as a tiny seed which first gets planted and hidden away where no one can see it. But over time, no one can deny its presence. His work in us starts as something small and barely perceptible, yet something that requires the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to accomplish. Then, over time, the seed that He plants may begin to grow. It may grow so that we can no longer deny its presence. Those closest to us may become aware of the changes. Next, the seed may grow so that anyone who looks at us notices a difference in us. Eventually, what started out as a small seed is birthed, and the world encounters God in a new way.

Even when no one else was aware of it, Jesus came and dwelt in Mary. So too will He come into our own lives, making Himself known first in the smallest of forms. And then growing until the time is right for Him to be revealed through us to those around us.

1.    What seeds has the Holy Spirit planted in your own life? If you haven’t yet seen them come to fruition, ask God to give you His insight and appreciation for the growth He is doing in your life.

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer and are expecting to welcome their third son in January.