Monday, April 29, 2019

Never Give Up!
By Susan Klein

“As she kept on praying to the Lord…”

She wasn’t drunk! Despondent, yes, but definitely not drunk. How could she be accused of such a thing?! Had she not proven herself faithful to her husband and to her God? Had they not faithfully worshiped and made the right sacrifices year after year?

First, she’d had to endure the agony of not being able to conceive. Barrenness carried a stigma in her culture. She wanted desperately to accept God’s closing of her womb. After all, her husband loved her deeply, regardless if she conceived or not. His love, as well as God’s, was not lost on her. But when her husband’s second wife conceived and bore him a son, her anguish gained new ground. The second wife provoked her to tears with persistent mocking and ridicule over her barrenness. The emotional torment affected her body to the point of not being able to eat.

Now she finds herself back in the Temple, quietly petitioning God to do the impossible. Perhaps she uttered something along these lines…

Give me faith to trust what you say,
That you’re good and your love is great
I’m broken inside, I give you my life
And I may be weak but your Spirit’s strong in me
My flesh may fail, but my God, you never will [1]

In her intense grief, she still turns her heart to her Abba Father. She even makes a vow that if God will grant her a son, she will give him back to God in service for his whole life. Adding to her sorrow, the High Priest sees her sitting there, perceives her silent lip movements as drunkenness, and rebukes her. She pleads for understanding as she explains. He sees her sincerity (and his error) and sends her off with a blessing for God to do as she asks. She goes home. She finds peace. And her body is able to eat even before God answers.

God has heard Hannah’s every prayer, but this is the time He chooses to act. She eventually conceives, and bears her husband a son. God blesses her with even more children. She keeps her vow.

Maybe, like Hannah of the Old Testament, you’ve persistently prayed for something, waiting for God’s answer. Maybe in your own discouragement, you’ve been tempted to give up. Don’t! God desires to hear from us. In her darkest hours, Hannah never stopped fixing her eyes on the Giver of Life. And in His perfect timing, He did answer. She prayed fervently, and she prayed believing.

So must we.

1. Feeling like it’s futile, have you given up praying for something or someone? Might you reconsider?


Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She serves as a mentor to young women, and is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.

[1] “Give Me Faith,” Elevation Worship, 2011