Thursday, April 4, 2019

By Elin Henderson

“ ‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God is near.
Repent and believe the good news!’ ” …
Mark 1:15 (NIV)

Have you seen the show Preppers?  It follows people who are preparing for a variety of doomsdays. Some have huge shelters built underground in which they store up food, water and supplies for months. Others are training themselves and their families in self-defense, while stocking up with enough guns and ammunition to fight off half an army!

Jesus calls us to be preppers, as well: preppers for His Kingdom. He calls us to store up treasures not on this earth, but to store up treasures for the Kingdom that is to come. He calls us to train ourselves to fight the good fight, but not for the kingdoms of this world, rather for His Kingdom! 

This prepper mentality is not one born out of paranoia or conspiracy theories, but out of a sense that this world is not our home. It requires a GOD-focus not a SELF-focus. It’s risky business to be a Kingdom Prepper. The costs are high and the stakes are crazy from a human perspective.  “Lose your life to gain it” (Luke 17:33).  “Be last to be first” (Mark 9:35).  “Be low and let Him lift you up” (James 4:10). These aren’t the slogans of self-preservationists. 

So…are you ready to join the ranks and be named with the crazy Kingdom Preppers of this age?! 

GOING DEEPER:                                               
1.    What are some ways that you can be part of this Kingdom Preppers movement?
2.    How can you help others around you catch the vision, as well?

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with Ethnos 360 in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to eighteen-year-old Callie and fifteen-year-old Elias.