A Friend Without Question
By Susan Klein
“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God…”
Job 16:20
Several years ago, the Lord took me through a particularly long and painful time of discipline and refinement. Since it was a direct result of personal sin in my life, I did not choose to share it with anyone other than my immediate family and my pastor. By Susan Klein
“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God…”
Job 16:20
But soon, people began to notice my absence at church. My husband usually fielded phone calls for me as I felt incapable of even holding a simple conversation. Some friends brought meals and others watched my children for me. Most wondered what was wrong, but I just couldn’t bring myself to talk about it.
One night, a dear friend called. My husband answered, prepared to deliver his customary response. But oddly, he came into my room and said, “It’s Jamie. I really think you should take this.” I nodded my head vehemently, not wanting her to hear my refusal. He held out the receiver with pleading eyes. I resignedly took the phone from him. I feared her well-meaning questions and was not ready to deliver any answers.
What happened next was totally unexpected. She said, “Hi sweet Susan, I just called to pray for you. Would that be okay?” She didn’t ask any questions, she just spent 10-15 minutes praying for me over the phone. As I listened with tears streaming down my face, she spoke all the words that my own tongue could not utter. She truly interceded for me at a time when I most needed it. As she concluded, she asked if she could call me again the next night around the same time and pray for me again. And she did! In fact, this went on for weeks. This dear woman who worked during the day, cared for a husband and four children, and was involved in several ministries at church, wanted to take time out of her busy schedule just to call me and pray, no questions asked. What a precious jewel God had placed in my life to intercede for me!
Paul exhorts us several times in Scripture to keep on praying for the saints. Even if we don’t know what they are struggling with, we can hold them up in intercessory prayer. God hears, and He promises to answer. I’ll never forget what this friend did for me in my time of need. What a wonderful example she’s given me to follow!
1. Is there a friend who needs your intercessory prayers right now? Take a minute to pray for her now.
2. Remember to pray for your sisters-in-Christ on a regular basis, even if they are not struggling.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 1 Corinthians 10:24; James 5:13-16
Susan is a wife and mother of two. She leads a small group and teaches for Tuesday a.m. Bible Study.