Spa Day
By Jen Wollner
“Every good and perfect gift is from above…”
James 1:17
I recently received one of the greatest gifts a mom of young children could ever get: a break from my kids. My aunt knew how much I enjoyed facials, so when she “won” a gift certificate at a silent auction, she decided to give it to me—and she wanted to stay with my kids while I went to the appointment. It was two gifts in one! This was an incredibly loving and selfless thing for her to do for me, and I was ecstatic to take her up on it. Just the thought of relaxing in a quiet, serene place while being physically pampered made my heart skip a beat.By Jen Wollner
“Every good and perfect gift is from above…”
James 1:17
I went to the spa, ready to indulge, but something unexpected happened to me while I was receiving the facial. As I began to drift off, completely enjoying my experience, a thought came into my mind that stopped me in my tracks: This is an incredible privilege—don’t take it for granted. I was totally taken aback by the thought and, quite frankly, the last thing I wanted right then was a guilt trip. But, the voice in my head wasn’t condemning. It was a voice of gentle conviction. As I thought about it further, I began to appreciate more and more the gift of the moment I was in. Then I started to think about all the privileges I enjoy on a daily basis. I was overwhelmed with the realization that many women in the world would be thankful to have food for their children, much less a day at the spa. My mind flooded with images of these women and my heart was humbled, for I knew that I didn’t deserve the wealth of “things” that I possess. As I praised God for my countless blessings, an incredible peace came over my heart, mind and body. It was probably the most relaxed I’ve ever been.
We are blessed with so much, aren’t we? I wonder, then, why is that so easy to forget? Why do we let ourselves take it all for granted, and even sometimes have an attitude of entitlement? Let’s make a pact right here, right now: to be grateful, to be humble and to each day thank our Father in Heaven who provides so much. Let’s remember to appreciate all that we have, and offer all the credit to the One who gives it so freely and abundantly. And, may we then be filled with the peace of our God—from head to toe.
1. What things in your life are you grateful for today? Take a moment to thank God for those things.
2. What could you do to keep that attitude of thankfulness every day?
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children under the age of 6. Jen heads Oakwood’s Fresh Start ministry.