Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thankful Heart
By Shelly Schumacher

“We ought always give thanks to God for you, brethren, as it only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater.”
2 Thessalonians 1:3

I am a runner. Not a good runner, but a runner nonetheless. And, like most runners, I have days that I dread putting on my shoes and heading out the door. On one of these unmotivated days, I decided to institute a new regime in my running. I now call this training tool my “thankful run.” On this day, I started my run and immediately developed a cramp in my side. I began a breathing technique to rid myself of the cramp and tripped over a pothole in the road. This trip triggered a twinge in my knee that ran right up to my brain, which was screaming, “GO HOME NOW!”

I was ready to throw in the proverbial towel when I decided to recount all the things in my life for which I am thankful. I started with the traditional, “thank you, Lord, for my family” and “thank you, Lord, for my home,” but soon my thoughts were racing and I was spouting out praise for everything I saw. I ran past a cute red house and I thanked God for the color red. I took a deep breath and I thanked Him for fresh air. And, after three miles, as I rounded the corner to my house, I gave thanks for my mailbox being in sight and that my run was over.

My thankful runs are now a tradition on days that I am lacking motivation. They give me a chance to reflect on all that God has provided for me. I am always refreshed with renewed faith at the end of the run and I am awestruck at how much I have been given by my loving heavenly Father. Much more than I need and most assuredly not what I deserve.

The Apostle Paul consistently demonstrated this practice of giving thanks in the letters he wrote. He used his thankfulness to encourage the church at Thessalonica, which was enduring increased persecution because of their faith. In addition, he encouraged them to give thanks so that their faith and love would continue to grow.

We can give thanks to the Lord no matter what we are doing—whether it’s running, cleaning the house or going to work. And, the best part is, in giving praise to Him, we receive the blessing.

1. When is the last time you gave thanks to God for something in your life? Find something in your field of vision to thank Him for right now.
2. Is there something that keeps you from having a spirit of thankfulness?

Psalm 92:1; Ephesians 1:16; Romans 6:17

Shelly is wife to Nick and mom to her two girls. She spends her time freelancing as a writer/PR professional, and is active in Oakwood's worship and drama ministries.