Can You Spare Some Change?
By Karen D’Amore
“But seek first His kingdom…”
Matthew 6:33a
The central hub of my police beat was a posh business district lined with upscale shops and restaurants. Merchants regularly complained about a perpetual visitor who loitered in front of their restaurants. His deep-set blue eyes stood out against the canvas of his dark, weathered face. And his nappy blond hair and gnarly beard were his most distinguishing attributes. His name was “Tommy” and the streets had been his home for over thirty years.By Karen D’Amore
“But seek first His kingdom…”
Matthew 6:33a
Day after day, Tommy solicited passing pedestrians with the same mumbled plea: “Can you spare some change?” Put off by his foul stench and unconventional appearance, most people passed him by, ignoring his requests. Occasionally, someone would stop and hand him a few spare coins or a bag of leftover food. For most of Tommy’s adult life, he survived on other people’s leftovers, scraps and spare change.
Reflecting on Tommy’s life drew me to consider my life with Christ. Am I giving Him my scraps or my “first fruits”? Do I truly seek first His Kingdom? And if not, who and what do I put first? I once heard a pastor say, “Show me a person’s calendar and their checkbook, and I’ll know the truth about her priorities.” OUCH!!! Too often the responsibilities of day-to-day life compete for first place in my life. And there are times I have been guilty of only giving God the scraps and leftovers of my heart…my time…and my finances.
How it grieves my heart to picture my Lord having to even ask: “Can you spare me your ear? I have much to share with you! Could you stop and talk to me for a moment? I haven’t heard from you in awhile! Could you come and visit me soon?”
Our key verse instructs us to put first things first…seeking God’s Kingdom and glory in every area of our lives. As Christ followers we are called to live our lives in submission to Him. If Christ is Lord over us, then we will acknowledge that life revolves around Him and we exist for His purposes; not the other way around. We’ll make His priorities our own, giving the Lord’s plans precedence over all others. Our choices will reflect the desire to be a living testimony to His Lordship in our lives.
1. Has God been given first place in your life? If so, pray that he will teach you to be a good steward of all that He has given you.
2. Is there anything in your life that takes precedence over the Lord’s plan? How can you align those things with Him?
Mark 12:30; Isaiah 55:2
Married to husband Dan, Karen manages Intrigue Salon & Spa, is the administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study, and co-leads a freshman girls’ small group.