Friday, January 23, 2009

God Given Gifts
By Karen D’Amore

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
I Peter 4:10

“Is a caterpillar ticklish? Well, it’s only my belief,
that he giggles as he wiggles, across a hairy leaf!”

I was five years old when I wrote this poem. As a young child, writing was to me what doodling was to others; it was just something that I did. As a youngster I never looked at it as a God-given gift. Growing up in a strained relationship with my father, writing became an instrument through which I could escape from that painful relationship. Writing became my private world…a place of refuge where I could safely express myself. It was a way for me to take my thoughts and feelings about life, and color outside the lines.

Forty something years after writing my first poem, my father asked me to write something for him. Initially unnerved by the request, which reopened some very old wounds, I was tempted to refuse. My “paintbrush” was stiff and dried up as I hadn’t verbally painted anything in over twenty years. But God began to tug at my heartstrings, pressing me to use His gift to bless my father.

Prayerfully, I committed a day to writing for my father. In my own strength I would have choked on the words that God would have me share. With the help of the Holy Spirit I wrote from my heart and framed a manuscript dedicated to my dad. It was a Christmas gift unlike any other I had ever given to him. But it was a gift that gave even more…back to me. Responding to my expressions of love, my father broke down in tears as he read my words. Seeing his brokenness flooded my heart with healing and forgiveness.

We can’t know or even image how the Lord wants to use the gifts He gives us. Let’s not hide them because of shame or insecurity. Let’s use them as He directs us. We will be blessed and He will be glorified!

1. What special gifts or talents has God blessed you with? How can you use these gifts to minister to others?
2. If you aren’t sure what your gifts are, prayerfully ask God to reveal them to you.

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 14:12

Married to husband Dan, Karen manages Intrigue hair salon, is the administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study, and co-leads a freshman girls’ small group.