Snowflakes and Snow Piles
By Jen Wollner
“For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…all things were created by him and for him.”
Colossians 1:16
There has been an abundance of snowfall already this winter. And I’m sure there is more in store as these next few months progress! One recent snowy day, my husband and I were out running errands. We got into the car after one of our stops and as I put my seatbelt on, I looked down to see one lone, pure white snowflake on my coat. It caught my eye because I rarely see a single snowflake by itself. It was beautiful, and so small! The intricate detail of its design was amazing. I showed my husband and we both marveled at it before it slowly melted in our warm car. We were reminded of our Creator and the care and precision that goes into all of His creation…aspects that aren’t always seen by us…they are simply for His pleasure.By Jen Wollner
“For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…all things were created by him and for him.”
Colossians 1:16
As we drove away, I looked out the window and saw nothing but piles of snow everywhere. It suddenly struck me that all that snow consisted of millions and billions of those tiny individual flakes. God had created each one to be just as unique as the one we had been admiring. I was overwhelmed at the massive-ness and creative-ness of God. He knows the number of snowflakes that fall…past, present and future. Our minds can’t even begin to grasp the enormity of it, but He has each flake counted and accounted for.
The snowflakes and the snow piles are evidence to us that all things were created by Him and for Him…including us. God is in the big picture of life and yet He cares for the tiniest of details, too. Whether it’s a huge pile of snow or the smallest facet of our lives, He’s there. He loves all of His creation equally and it’s all important to Him. What a personal Creator!
1. What large or small detail of creation amazes you? Take a moment to thank your Creator for sharing it with you.
2. Do you believe that the Lord cares equally for the big things and tiny things in your life? If not, ask Him reveal to you today just how personal His love is for you.
Job 38; Psalm 19:1
Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children under the age of 6. Jen heads Oakwood’s Fresh Start ministry.