He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
By Elin Henderson
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible…All things were created through Him and for Him.”
Colossians 1:16 (NKJV)
By Elin Henderson
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible…All things were created through Him and for Him.”
Colossians 1:16 (NKJV)
Does your life ever feel out of control? Maybe better to ask…does your life ever feel “in control”? Mine seldom does! Sometimes it seems as though life is simply zipping by like telephone poles while you are driving down the freeway. Or in my case, palm trees by the dirt roads, if you ever pick up enough speed! We clutch for a sense of control, but it elusively escapes us. So, I ask myself, “Is this good, bad or indifferent?”
I say it is good! Why? Feeling out of control is never good to us from a human perspective. In fact, we hate it! Generally speaking, we do anything possible to keep ourselves free from the feeling of being out of control. But, it is helpful in that it reminds us that we, in our humanness, can produce nothing but chaos and frustration, but God, in His Divineness, produces nothing but peace and order! We were never meant to retain control, but rather render our control to Him, recognizing that He is best suited to handle it.
So, whether it is part of the physical, spiritual or emotional realm, or whether it is made up of time or matter, all aspects of our lives are in His capable and creative hands. As our Creator and Sustainer, He’s got the whole world in His hands!
Call it silly or strange, but I remember things best through song. So, when I am feeling stressed about things, I find it helpful to create a new verse to the children’s song “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” to remind myself who is really in control of the situation. My version goes a little something like this:
“He’s got my irritating neighbors in His hands
He’s got my crazy language study in His hands
He’s got my feeble attempts at homeschooling in His hands
He’s got the whole world in His hands!”
1. What would your version of this song look like? What craziness in your life do you need to remember is in His hands?
Psalm 102:25
Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to nine-year-old Callie and seven-year-old Elias.