Friday, April 16, 2010

True Success
By Jennie Pierce

“What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.”
Philippians 3:8

Gus* had no choice when he was summoned to the front of his church by his family and friends. After all, it is the tradition of this small, rural church community in northern Wisconsin to honor birthdays in this way. And turning eighty certainly was reason enough to celebrate.

Being given eighty cents, to represent each year of his life, Gus plopped the coins in a metal church-shaped bank while the congregation counted aloud. Upon reaching the number eighty, applause broke out to honor a man who had been blessed with these years of life. After receiving verbal and physical accolades, Gus humbly approached the microphone. With tears in his eyes and a reflective heart, he summed up the whole of his life for which he was most grateful.

Simply, Gus mentioned two things: He was very thankful for a wonderful church body of which he had been a part most of his years. He was the most grateful, however, for the salvation he has in Jesus Christ, as a result of God’s unfailing love for him. After his brief, few minutes of fame, Gus quietly took his seat.

Eighty years is a long time. No doubt, Gus has probably accomplished many great things that he could have duly noted. And, certainly, an eighty-year-old man should have every right to brag! But, he didn’t. His perspective was much altered from the world’s perspective. He has realized that fame, accomplishments, gain of money and other feats do not matter in the grand scheme of life. He has established his final conclusion, like wise King Solomon, that true success is fearing God and obeying His commandments; or, like the Apostle Paul, who realized that titles, status, or even lineage mean absolutely nothing in comparison to knowing Jesus Christ and becoming more and more like Him.

When Gus exits this earth some day, he will probably not be remembered for some earth-shattering invention, prize possession, or other evidences of an earthly “successful” life. However, when he meets Jesus face-to-face, no doubt he will hear those words of eternal value as Jesus smiles at him and proclaims, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”…for that is true success!

1. In what earthly areas are you trying to succeed? Do you give more time, thought and energy to those than you do to knowing, loving and becoming more like Christ?
2. How do you want people to most remember you?

Ecclesiastes 12:13; Philippians 3; Matthew 6:19-21

*name has been changed to maintain anonymity.

Jennie is a wife and mother of three. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.