My Life in Garments
By Elizabeth Cole
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”
Isaiah 30:21
By Elizabeth Cole
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”
Isaiah 30:21
Please don’t show me a pile of fabric, zippers, or a seam ripper any time soon! My daughters are in a musical revue, and seemingly every spare minute of mine these past two weeks has been spent at the fabric store or at my sewing machine. Understand: I’m not a master seamstress; just okay enough for costumes that convey the “idea” from a distance!
Due to my sorely limited abilities, I’ve found the instructions that accompany each pattern to be invaluable. Since I simply have no “sewing intuition” of my own, it’s imperative that I follow those instructions explicitly...and with a whole lot of trust. Here’s what I’ve learned:
1. When I questioned why I needed to do something right away, and it seemed that it ought to be done later…I was wrong. I realized at the point of “later” that it would’ve been significantly more difficult. So plan to put the elastic at the wrists before you attach the sleeve to anything else!
2. When I wanted to go ahead and “take care of” a step sooner than it was stated in the instructions…I was wrong. Several key elements needed to be in place before it could possibly come together successfully. Case in point: don’t sew the shoulders of a vest until after it’s been turned right side out.
3. When I read the instructions, looked at the picture a dozen times, and concluded the pattern designer had made a huge illogical mistake…I was wrong. Only upon actually doing it, did I realize the brilliance of the step. Still can’t explain that one…but it totally worked.
To the background hum of my sewing machine, I’ve been tutored this week by the Master Designer. He’s given me His instructions through His Word, the Bible; His Spirit lays out the steps for me and guides me to which necessary step is next; He has a finished product He’s looking to create and lovingly invites me into the process.
My job? Just follow His instructions. No freelancing needed, no trusting my own self-generated “intuition.” Those result in the spiritual equivalent of my creative attempts last night to enhance a bodice…yeah, the one that’s now deposited in the trash! Replaced by…of course, the one the pattern maker gave.
In trust, I lift my scissors this morning to the Master Designer!
1. Reflect on a time you decided to “freelance” and run your own life. How did it turn out?
2. Where are you tempted to do the same currently? What will you do about it?
Psalm 139:5-16; Romans 8:28
Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three daughters, and Director of Women’s Ministries at Oakwood Church.