Friday, December 3, 2010

Beyond the Notes
By Lexi Cole

“So then, just as you receive Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6

I could not wait! Since studying abroad in Scotland, I have missed my choir back at Bethel so much. Imagine how excited I was to find out about the Stirling University Choir scheduled to perform Handel’s “Creation” in a 12th-century cathedral with a professional orchestra! But at the first rehearsal, I learned that the choir included the local community…as in, lots of older people with a few students. With all due respect and in this specific situation, this meant older women with out-of-control vibratos and older men who struggle with close-together notes. For months, each practice has consisted of the director pounding on the piano and pep talks about singing in tune. Since music has always been a big part of my life, I’m very aware of all the things we’re not doing. Musically, we have ignored stylistic things like similar vowels and good blend, because we’ve only focused on notes. We haven’t gone beyond that and we’re apparently content with it. The saddest part is that is I know how much more we could do if we went beyond just learning the notes.

It makes me wonder…how often are we like that in our relationship with God? How often do we decide what we know is enough, instead of going further in our spiritual walk with Jesus? In the context of the verse above, Paul urges the Colossians to continue to live in Jesus and strengthen the faith they were taught so they can discern against false teaching. I’m convinced Satan has no greater pleasure than seeing a Christian who is ineffective due to a non-growing, stagnant relationship with God. In the same way we intentionally nurture relationships with people, we must do the same with Christ. It is a daily decision to reject the ease of a passive relationship, and choose one where we commit to grow in our faith and in a love-relationship with Him. We do this by removing barriers that block growth and by choosing to spend our day and time wisely.

My choir performs in a week. Hopefully, the old cathedral and professional orchestra will help… but I am thankful for the reminder that being content with just learning the notes is not making the most of the music. We are so blessed to have relational access to a loving God that being content with the basics and never growing are equally tragic.

1. What aspects of your life are acting as barriers that prevent you from growing in your relationship with God?
2. What are some active and productive ways you can change those barriers?

2 Peter 3:18; Colossian 1:10-12

Lexi is an Elementary Education major at Bethel University, currently studying abroad in Scotland. The last two summers, she’s been the Children’s Ministries intern at Oakwood.