Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Blessing of Inconvenience
By Jeannine Sawall

“And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name.”
Luke 1:46-49

Oftentimes during the Christmas season, I find myself frustrated by the many inconveniences I encounter preparing to celebrate. The roads and parking lots are jammed with cars and I generally have to park a mile away. The store lines grow to enormous lengths and there’s no such thing as running in quickly to get something. Even the events that are meant to help celebrate the season tend to cause added stress as every class, band and choir my children are in schedule a Christmas program to tie up a part of my day. Don’t they know I’m busy getting ready and running out of time! It seems getting through the season with a joyful heart is an impossibility.

In the middle of my frustrations of inconvenience and “it’s impossible” attitudes, I think of Mary, and her response to God’s calling to be inconvenienced. Here she was, going about her day when suddenly she’s greeted by the angel Gabriel telling her the news she would soon be with child. There is a reason God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus and not me. If I’d been Mary, I would have responded to Gabriel with arguments aplenty telling him this was not the best idea and the timing was surely not the best. Mary was engaged to be married. Pregnant girls didn’t get married, they got stoned! Who would believe her story…“Yeah…God’s baby…riiiight!!”

But Mary didn’t consider the inconveniences, she considered the blessings. She didn’t consider her timing, she accepted God’s. She didn’t argue for her way, she submitted to His will. Mary’s song reflects a heart humble and willing to yield God’s call to bring forth the Savior of the world. She put aside her own plans so God could bring glory to His name. What a lesson she has left behind for us. When I consider the small inconveniences I might deal with this Christmas season, my prayer is to have a heart like Mary’s and to look for the bigger blessing. You never know what impossibility God may orchestrate to bring glory to His name.

Going Deeper:
1. Where in your life might you need an attitude adjustment as you deal with the frustration of inconvenience? Have you considered the inconvenience just may be orchestrated by God?
2. What plans might you have for your life that you are unwilling to lay aside for God? Ask Him to help you yield your heart and trust Him in all things.

For Further Reading:
Proverbs 3:5; Galatians 4:4; Jeremiah 29:11

Jeannine is a wife and active mother of four. She works in property management and is a part of the Special Events team for Oakwood’s We Women ministries.