Monday, December 27, 2010

By Sarah Kosanke

"Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy."
Psalm 28: 6

Revealed to him by the Holy Spirit years before, Simeon was promised that he would see the Messiah, Israel's Consolation, before he died. Many years had gone by, Simeon had grown old yet he held onto the promise God made to him. After being prompted by the Holy Spirit, he went to the Temple only to be greeted by God's promise to him fulfilled in the form of a baby, arriving at the temple with His family.

This is my favorite part: He asks Mary if he may hold the baby and he starts to sing about God's promise fulfilled to him.

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel."

Even though there are only ten verses written about Simeon, He has become my favorite character in the story of Christmas...besides Jesus, of course! You see, Simeon's name means "heard." I think that's quite special since he had not only heard God's promise to all people that He would send the Messiah, but beyond that, he'd heard God's promise to him personally that he would see this promised Messiah before he died.

Simeon also was heard by God. I wonder how many times Simeon cried out to God, asking if the Lord was really going to keep His promise.

What a blessing to both Simeon and us: This promise of the Messiah. Because God keeps His promises, both Jews and Gentiles may enter into His presence through Jesus. God knew mankind's agony of being eternally separated from Him due to our sin...and He sent the Messiah to save us, to be our salvation.

What a blessing to know we are heard by God!

1. What is on your heart now? Whether you are struggling and crying out to Him for His help, or whether you are overflowing with joy and can't help but sing, God hears you. Openly talk to Him about it, He will listen.

Luke 2:25-35

Sarah is a single young lady who works as a rehabilitation specialist for mentally ill clients in a group home. She teaches the 5th and 6th grade girls on Sunday Mornings and the 2nd through 4th grade girls on Wednesday nights at Oakwood.