The Power of God
By Leigh Ann Sickinger
“…..apart from Me you can do nothing.”
By Leigh Ann Sickinger
“…..apart from Me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5b
After I left that day, her statement kept coming into my mind, unsettling me. Of course, I’m certain that my friend had been trying to give praise to God, but that one comment didn’t sound that way. In fact, it sounded more like she had been praising everyone’s prayer efforts instead of God’s hand in this miracle.
My thoughts wandered to how many times I do this even on a daily basis. I ask God to guide me, I know He is present with me, but after a situation resolves itself, I look back with admiration in my heart for all the “things” I did to help resolve it. Am I admiring my efforts or God’s hand in the outcome? Why is it I can’t look beyond my efforts and see the all-powerful ONE? What is it about myself that I need to feel like my efforts created the results? And why do I get so caught up in myself?
I don’t have a good answer to any of those questions…other than to remember I’m in process! I guess in the journey of becoming more Christlike, our goal is to evolve into seeing more of Him and less of ourselves. And in seeing HIS hand of power instead of my own!
1. Today, notice any admiration you have for yourself and what you have done. In that moment, move your thoughts to God and praise Him for being the all-powerful One.
2. See if you can become aware of a time today when you can verbally give the glory to God that He deserves.
Proverbs 16:9; Psalm 150
Leigh Ann is a wife, mother of four, and Co-Coordinator of the Adoption Support Group at Oakwood Church.