Worry Replaced by Prayer Equals Trust
By Pamela Blattner
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
By Pamela Blattner
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
Philippians 4:6-7a (NLT)
Any worriers out there? In certain situations, do you find yourself dealing with anxious thoughts? At times, worry can feel like an attack - - I don’t know if you’re like me or not, but when I worry over something or someone, I feel helpless and frustrated. Anxiety is a distressing emotion, and the devil wields it very well. Isn’t it interesting that Scripture gives us a word picture depicting Satan prowling around us like a roaring lion…right after a verse that deals with anxious thoughts (I Peter 5:7-8)?Several months ago, I made a trip to the Emergency Room to treat a very painful condition. I also reacted negatively to a medication that was administered and felt worried and anxious. I started to prayerfully yield myself to God - - submitting to Him with the confidence that He has the power to control my life. I’d felt helpless before that, but I was reminded with hope and peace that God is always in the business of managing circumstances for our good and His glory.
Prayer is my declaration of dependence on Him. We kneel before the omnipotent God and nothing is too much of a challenge for demonstrating His power on our behalf. I have to remember the “2 T’s” formula for beating anxiety: Telling then Trusting. When you tell the Lord your troubles and then trust Him to deal with them, He takes the responsibility for meeting our needs and giving His peace.
Dear friends, the last thing I want to share with you is about that “roaring lion.” Resist him. As God’s child, don’t reach up and grab your worries right out of God’s hands to once more worry over them. They’re safe with Him. Don’t allow the evil one to make you tremble with anxiety. Stand Firm. Our mighty and caring God is more than adequate to handle all of our life situations, our anxious thoughts…and He cares for you.
1. Are you dealing with apprehension about physical or emotional suffering on the horizon? Use the “2 T’s” today in your specific situation and look expectantly for His provision and peace for your heart.
Matthew 6:31-32, 26:38-39; Romans 8:28
Pam and her husband Richard have two adult children and two grandchildren. She serves Oakwood through its Family Care Ministries and is Touched Twice Ministries.