By Elin Henderson
“…for nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.”
I Samuel 14:6b (NKJV)
Have you ever noticed how into numbers we are? When we have a decision to make, either big or small, it usually comes down to numbers. It might be counting:
Cash - - Do we have enough in the bank to buy this house?
People - Can we pull together a party for this weekend? How many hands do we have to help?
Days - - Can we make that trip? Quick, check the calendar dates; do we have enough vacation time saved?
Energy - - Do I have enough energy to take on that new ministry?
Soldiers - - Can we win this war? Do we have enough men on the front to take this enemy?
Let’s face it: We love to crunch numbers! The better the odds, the better chance of our saying “yes.” The worse the odds, the better chance we will come up with some way out of it.
However, God isn’t into numbers. How many times in Scripture does He save by “few” and not many? How many times does He provide from nothing…not something? These resources, which to us are essential, to Him are optional and marginally necessary.
Cash? He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalms 50:10).
People? He can call up the rocks and hills to call forth His message (Luke 19:40).
Days? One day is as a thousand years to Him (II Peter 3:8).
Energy? Less is more. His strength is perfect in weakness (II Corinthians 12:8).
Soldiers? Read on….
In I Kings, Prince Jonathan is out patrolling the hillside with his armor bearer. The Philistine enemy had previously commandeered the steel market and removed all swords from the shelves. It’s likely that between Jonathan and his armor bearer there was only one sword. Yet, Jonathan sees a camp of Philistines and by faith attacks, his battle cry, “WHO’S COUNTING?! God isn’t into numbers!” Two against an encampment - - bad odds! Yet, they had an unseen factor: the LORD among them! They got their strategy from above and set off to victory! God doesn’t require numbers, He requires faith! Faith to see beyond the odds and to believe that “With God nothing is impossible.”
So, next time you are in a dilemma or scrimmage, and you find the odds stacked against you, may you turn with eyes of faith, look to the God of ALL and sound the battle cry, “WHO’S COUNTING?! My God isn’t into numbers!”
1. Can you think of any other examples in Scriptures where numbers didn’t count but faith was the victor?
2. Where in your life’s journey have you seen the same principle? Who could you tell?
I Samuel 14; Psalm 20:7; Romans 8:37
Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to ten-year-old Callie and eight-year-old Elias.