Birds of a Feather...
By Susan Klein
“For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.”
Matthew 18:20
One of the things I enjoy about living in Wisconsin is bird-watching, especially this time of year when on any given day you can see the v-formations of geese as they head south. I also love the dramatic contrast of the blue jays and cardinals against the fresh fallen white snow on winter branches. Then, after many months of cold, there’s the anticipation of spying that first robin to signal the start of spring. And who doesn’t love the adorable little sparrows and colorful finches that summer brings?!! How sweet of our God to give us these delightful creatures year-round for our pleasure!
If you enjoy bird-watching, you’ve probably noticed that birds of the same species seem to travel together. For instance, black-capped chickadees often travel in threes while cardinals are often seen in pairs, male and female. Geese travel in large flocks, as do many other species. Much research has gone into determining why many birds fly in large groups. Group flight patterns suggest that birds fly together to avoid predators, for socialization, to optimize flight and energy conservation, and to avoid accidents and collisions. Studies show that flocks work best and are tranquil when every bird knows its place, humbly flying in unison. There's also an aerodynamic advantage to flying behind and to the side of another bird to take advantage of its wingtip vortices.
Not only do these winged creatures bring us visual pleasure, they teach us a valuable lesson: We were not created to go it alone. God gave us spiritual “flocks” to journey with! Like the birds, when we work together - - maintaining unity in the flock - - we are able to stand strong against predators, be encouraged by likeminded fellowship, and better optimize our time by sharing our talents. In our “Baby Christian” years, we can fly behind those who are stronger and more mature than we, letting them take the lead and guiding us in the right direction. As we mature in our faith, we can fly alongside of other believers, sharing the load with each other. Eventually, when our wingspans have fully developed, God may move us to the head of the v-formation where we can lead others with what we’ve learned along the way.
Flying solo is not what God intended. Providing a solid flock to fly with is His way of helping keep us on course and avoid dangerous collisions!
1. Are you flying with a likeminded “flock”? If you are struggling with predators and strong winds at every turn, could it be that you are trying to fly solo?
2. Who might benefit from your flying alongside of, or even ahead of, them?!!
2 Corinthians 6:14; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Hebrews 10:24-25
Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in inner city outreach.