Confessions of a Guilty “Piler”
By Elin Henderson
“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Matthew 6:34
Okay, I admit it, I am a guilty “piler”! My desk and my closet give evidence to this sad fact! I like to let things pile up and when it gets to the point where collapse is inevitable, then I tackle the pile and shrink it back to a manageable size. It gets so bad that my nine-year-old daughter will say, “Mom, I am going to clean your desk for you!”
Well, we “pilers” can exist in all forms. Mine exists not only in the physical realm, but also in the worry realm. I can certainly pile the worries high and deep. Have you ever seen how worries not only pile up, but seem to reproduce at an exponential rate? What was just a little worrisome thought in no time has babies and becomes the mother to a whole host of other issues and worries. And so the pile grows!
Not just once, but several times throughout the Scriptures we see the subject of worries come up. I think that the Lord knows that we…especially a lot of us ladies…struggle in this area. Our natures are to care, but in caring, we worry. We worry about how something has affected our past, is inhibiting our present or will destroy our future. And if that isn’t enough, we wonder if this present struggle or worry is a punishment from God or an “if only”…“if only I had been better, done better, listened better, I wouldn’t be in this predicament.”
The first step in dealing with any form of addiction—and “piling” is no exception—is to admit you have a problem, right? When we find ourselves under a pile of worries and struggles, let’s start by admitting to the Lord what’s really going on. Then, we are free to pile our burdens on Him as He commands in Scripture. But, don’t stop there. He gives another rather unusual instruction in Matthew 20:28: “Rejoice in your sufferings.” I believe worries fit right in there as “sufferings.” So, hand that pile over to God and rejoice that victory is yours in Him! Who better to handle our piles of yesterday, today and tomorrow then the very One who holds yesterday, today and tomorrow in the palm of His hand!
1. Make a list of your present pile of worries and their accompanying baggage. Now, take the time to place each one in the mighty hands of God.
Matthew 6:25-34, 29:30
Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to eleven-year-old Callie and nine-year-old Elias.