Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What It’s About
By Lexi Cole

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7

Last month, my fiancé, Andrew, and I were meeting with wedding caterers and it wasn’t something that I was particularly enjoying. I felt defeated. We had been in contact with ten different caterers - - analyzing menus and prices, comparing pros and cons - - and I was overwhelmed.

On the way home from another appointment, I lost it. Andrew looked at me, put his “non-driving” hand over my eyes and said “Change of plans, I have a surprise. Keep your eyes closed.” When the car stopped, we were at Dickten Park. Andrew led me to the spot where he had proposed and said, “Babe, this is what it’s about. Not the money, not the kind of food. It’s all about the next step we chose to take right here.”

We all need those little reminders. We all need breaks in the midst of crazy busy-ness to remember what it’s about. That day made me wonder: Are there other areas in my life where I feel so overwhelmed that I’m missing out on what my life is really about? Are the details and the busy-ness of my routine getting in the way of the “big picture things”? Things like remembering who God is and what He has done for me? Because I’ve known Christ for a long time, I sometimes forget what it’s about. I get caught up in the “today” and the checklist of things to do right at this moment.

What are some of those “big picture” things? What is it all really about?

We are:
 - God’s image-bearers.
 - loved by the Creator of the Universe.
 - free from guilt and shame because of His work on the Cross.
 - called to a life that is intentional about loving and serving others.
 - redeemed by a God who desires oneness with us.
 - purchased at a great cost because He values us.
 - worthy in His eyes to be called His daughters.

The reality is, there is so much power and freedom in the magnitude of what God has done for us. I’m thankful Andrew reminded me of the “big picture” with our wedding planning. I’m also thankful we serve a relational God who deserves to be served above the small little details of our lives. HE is what it’s about.

1. Before the day gets busy, stop and think about what it’s really about.
2. What do you need to do right now to focus more on the “big picture” of our God rather than the busy details?

Isaiah 40; Psalm 1

Lexi is finishing her last year at Bethel University as an Elementary Education major and planning her wedding with her fiancé, Andrew. She serves with Children’s Ministries at Oakwood.