Friday, March 9, 2012

Before the Need
By Lisa Boyer

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone.”
1 Timothy 2:1

I woke up in the morning with a bit of a heavy heart. A friend was on my mind and I just felt the need to pray… and so I did. But the feeling didn’t go away, so I continued to pray whenever she came to mind throughout the day. By early afternoon I had this persistent feeling that I should stop by and pray with  her - - at 3 o’clock. I didn’t have time to stop by and since it really doesn’t matter where you pray I continued with my day. But the closer it got to 3 o’clock the more persistent the feeling became. I know how crazy this sounds, because by this point even I was sure my emotions were getting the best of me. I tried hard to ignore it, but one thought plagued me…if God had really laid this on my heart for the day, I would regret not going and I never want to regret anything when it comes to me and God.

So I rushed to see her arriving shortly after 3 o’clock. I asked how she was and I have to admit I was a bit surprised that she was fine - - completely fine. I shared that she’d been on my heart all day, but she seemed to have no idea why. I asked if I could pray with her anyway and then I prayed. I had no idea why I had needed to pray with her, but I left knowing that I had obeyed.

After praying, I headed home to resume my hectic schedule for the day. I admit I felt a little weird about the whole thing, but trusted that I had heard correctly… God knew why He wanted me to pray with her and I didn’t need to know.

In spite of all the time I’ve spent in prayer, it’s still a bit of a mystery to me. We are clearly instructed to pray for one another, and yet the Bible states that God knows our needs before we ask Him. I cannot comprehend His reasoning, but 1 Samuel 15:22 tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice, so I will continue to obey, even though I may look foolish sometimes.

By the way, a few days after the “prayer appointment,” my dear friend endured a personal loss. I was so thankful that God had allowed me the privilege of lifting her up to Him in prayer before the need.

1.  Today, will you spend some extra time in prayer, lifting up whoever God puts on your heart?

Matthew 6:28-34; 1 Samuel 15:22

Lisa has been married to Ted for 19 years and they have two teenage sons. She serves as a small group leader at Oakwood Church in Student Ministries.