Monday, March 12, 2012

FRESH START READERS: We are delighted to share with you a two-week series of devotionals that are the follow-up to We Women’s 2012 annual conference entitled Choices: God’s Answers for Life’s Toughest Choices.

“Making the Right Choice”
By Jeannine Sawall

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”
Proverbs 14:12

So much is written about hope, about change, and the many promises we receive as believers. We can find devotionals filled with writings about suffering and desperation, relationships and marriage, children and even pets. We can find devotionals relating to hobbies, sports and friendships.  But there are few, if any, devotional books that cover sin and the responsibility of personal choice. Those books would probably be found at the half-price bookstore in the dollar bin! When it comes to sin, we don’t want to be reminded that we had a choice in the matter. That we are the ones who decided to head our own way and do our own thing. That we are the ones who said “yes,” when we should have said “no.”

We can find countless examples of biblical heroes who suffered the consequences of going their own way. Abraham and Sarah, David, Sampson, Jacob and Rachel. Each of these people made a choice to take a path independent of God. Each of them focused on his or her own way. Each of them decided his or her way was better than God’s way. Each of them had to pay the cost of that choice.

Any time our focus moves from looking for God and fixates on “me,” we can be sure we are going to make choices that take us down the path of disappointment and destruction. Any time we make demands of God or tell Him what He must do, we can be certain we will be heading in the wrong direction. Any time we make a choice without involving God in the decision-making process, we can be certain we are heading toward disaster. It’s a pretty straightforward equation, even if it’s not a popular equation. Choices made without alignment with God and His ways bring us into sin. 

Our choices have consequences. When we forge ahead and make those choices independently, we can’t look back in regret and ask God, “Where were you?” or, “Why did you allow this to happen?” We need to realize we have left God behind and take responsibility for our sin. However, in that next moment, we can confess our sin and be reconciled by the grace of God. The lesson is to then make sure that the next time we are faced with a choice, we invite God to be a part of the decision-making process.

Seeking God in all things is always the right choice!

1. What choices are you making where you need to stop and invite the Lord to be a part of them?


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and is a part of the Special Events team for Oakwood’s We Women ministries.