FRESH START READERS: We are delighted to share with you a two-week series of devotionals that are the follow-up to We Women’s 2012 annual conference entitled Choices: God’s Answers for Life’s Toughest Choices.
“Choose to Get Up”
By Jeannine Sawall
“…I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been laying on and went home praising God.”
Mark 2:11
It had probably started as just another day for the man with the mat. Wake up and lie there. Same ole, same ole but what else was he to do…he was paralyzed. However, what started out as an ordinary day soon presented him with choices that would change his life.
Sometime during the day, friends showed up wanting to take him to see Jesus. Rumor had it, Jesus was healing the sick. He could have chosen to just stay home that day and send his friends on their way. After all, what were the odds that after being paralyzed for so long, he would be healed? But he made the choice to go! When they got to the house, the crowds were so big, they could not get anywhere near Jesus. Should they just give up and go home? How would they ever get near him…it seemed impossible? But they made the choice to press in and find a way to Jesus. Finally, the man is face to face with the Healer. Jesus, seeing his faith, tells the man to “take up your mat and go home.” The paralytic had a final choice to make…would he believe the Healer and get up or would he choose to stay lying there on his matt. We’re told “Immediately, he stood up, took up his mat and went home praising God.” His choices brought him total healing, both of body and in spirit by having an intimate encounter with the Healer.
We face similar choices each and every day. What may start out as an ordinary day may hold an extraordinary outcome when we choose to meet with Jesus. Each of us has something in our life that paralyzes us. It could be fear, anger, a broken relationship, depression, addiction, bitterness…the list is long. However, the Healer is waiting for us to come. He reaches out His hand and says “Get off your mat and go….” We have the choice to continue to lie there and remain paralyzed in our current situation or to get up. When we make the choice to get up to see Jesus, no matter the difficulties, He is more than able and willing to change our circumstances if we just press in. Suddenly, we are no longer lying there paralyzed but on our feet, on our way and praising the Lord.
1. What situation in your life paralyzes you?
2. How will you choose to respond to Jesus when He says “Take up your mat and go?”
Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and is a part of the Special Events team for Oakwood’s We Women ministries.