Friday, April 13, 2012

Delightful Distractions
By Susan Klein

“Be still before the Lord….”
Psalm 37:7a

I don’t know about you, but it seems whenever I decide to have some quiet time with the Lord, distractions are sure to follow. Most are little annoyances like a ringing phone or buzzing clothes dryer, and can usually be turned off or ignored. But some distractions can be downright enjoyable! How can I resist an adorable little feline who decides to playfully roll around in my lap, begging for attention? Or how do I not pause to focus on the unexpected deer outside the window? And whose nose can resist the tempting aroma of cookies fresh out of the oven? What’s a girl to do?!!

Let me share a few thoughts on this. First, God desires for us to enjoy His creation. Taking a momentary pause to scratch the chin of my kitty for a few seconds or admire the family of deer outside the window won’t dismay my heavenly Father. I believe it delights Him to see us delighting in the things He has created.

However, in my feminine humanness, I can allow myself to get absorbed in my “momentary” distraction. A few seconds can become a few minutes and even lead to other distractions along the way. I abandon my Bible to run for my camera before the deer get away. Or, I give in to the tempting aroma of the coffee cake, only to discover the dirty dishes in the sink that need tending to and an unfinished grocery list staring back at me. I leave my Father waiting...occasionally never getting back to Him at all.

Sometimes, I find it best to heed Jesus’ advice on prayer. In Matthew 6:6, He instructs His followers to enter into their prayer closet and close the door before they pray. While His instruction is meant to teach them to not be ostentatious before others in their prayers, I believe we can glean another lesson from this passage. When we want some serious time with our God, let’s get to a place where there are no distractions. A closet is not only a private place, but it is also generally a small, nondescript room with no windows and nothing in particular to draw our attention. While I wouldn’t sit in an actual closet, I can do things like close the blinds or put the cats in another room. If I am intentional in preparing my quiet place, it will not only allow me to focus my attention on my Father, but also to focus on what He’s trying to share with me.

1. What are some proactive steps you can take to ensure quality “quiet time” with God?
2. Do you have some tips you could share with a friend who might be struggling with distractions?


Susan is We Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark lead a couples' small group in their home; she is also involved in inner city outreach