Wednesday, April 4, 2012

By Chelsey Waala

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4
It was a mild winter, but I remember several weeks in February when the sun did not grace Minneapolis with its presence, and I was feeling quite blue. In the middle of a gloomy day, I received surprise flowers that brightened my apartment and mood. They helped me get through the grey days, and before I knew it, I didn’t need a vase of flowers to remind me of spring because it was here! Now, I can enjoy sunshine on my face, daffodils poking out of the lawn, and trees blossoming by the sidewalk.

Like a Minnesota February, this life is often gloomy. We struggle with relationships, money, loss, and insecurities. We desire resolution and perfection. So why do we never feel completely comfortable here? Why does another obstacle come up once we’ve cleared the last one?

Our world is out-of-balance because it is not our real home. However, we can still find joy as we wait for our King! In our greyest of days, God sends us beautiful reminders of His coming ultimate Kingdom. He heals relationships, takes care of our needs, and assures us of our worth.

We have hope for the future because His Kingdom will be here before we know it. It will come like spring: fresh, new, and exciting! We will finally bask in our Savior’s glory and shed our worries, problems and hardships. But let us remember that in waiting for the final consummation of God’s Kingdom, we can find great joy and fulfillment by living out His plan for us on earth, rejoicing in His blessings, and focusing on a future with Him. We can catch glimpses of His glory in the flowers outside, the kindness of a stranger, or the mending of a relationship. Let’s rejoice in our imperfect lives, looking forward to a perfect eternity with Christ!

1.  How have you experienced a taste of the Kingdom of God here on earth in the past few days?
2.  Write a prayer of JOY and gratitude to help you feel God’s sunshine today.


Chelsey is a sophomore at Augsburg College studying Secondary Education and English. Upon graduating, she hopes to foster a love of life and learning in high school students.