Thursday, April 26, 2012

Questions Unanswered
By Jennie Pierce

“Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes…”
Psalm 13:3

Have you ever noticed how children naturally expect their parents to be walking tomes of knowledge about seemingly insignificant, trivial things? For instance, in the last twenty-four hours I have been asked questions such as, “How many legs does a centipede really have?” Or, “Who invented peanut butter? Was it George Washington or George Washington Carver? Or, did Carver just discover the peanut?” Or, “How do you spell ‘hypocritical’?” Even, “Is wheat starch different from wheat?” As much as I’d like to be able to respond, “As a matter of fact…” the reality is, more often than not, I end up having to reply, “I don’t know.” Yet, they keep coming back with more questions.

David had questions for God. Okay, so they may not have been about bugs or food, but they were important enough to him to that he inquired of his heavenly Father. “How long, Lord?” “Will you forget me forever?” “How long will you hide your face from me?” Psalm 13 records David asking God five specific questions and pleading with God to please give an answer! Even when the answer did not come, or any plausible solution promised, David still responded, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me” (verses 5 and 6).

Somehow, not getting an answer really didn’t matter. David was content in knowing his Father loved him to no end and nothing would change that. And that was enough for him. David trusted wholeheartedly in his God. As a result, David’s heart could sing and dance and praise rather than give in to the trap of distress and despair.

No doubt, tomorrow will be a new day with many more questions and possibly even fewer answers for the child to his parent, and the child of God to his heavenly Father. Yet, even if the answers don’t come as expected or when expected, will you continue to rest in the everlasting love your heavenly Father has for you and trust in His ability to give you the strength you need?

1. Prayer is an effective tool in expressing thoughts, feelings and questions to God. Through prayer, the Father helps us regain the right perspective, and that gives us peace. Will you take the time and initiative to do just that today? He longs to hear from you!

Psalm 13; Philippians 4:6-7; Isaiah 55:8-9

Formerly at Oakwood Church, we share Jennie with a church in rural northeast Colorado, where she ministers with her husband/pastor and is the mother of two teenagers and a college student.  She is active in her church’s musical worship ministry and works as a para support at their local public school.