By Lexi Ellis
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good
Spirit lead me on level ground.”
Psalm 143:10
recently graduated from Bethel University. Besides the sweet celebrations with
family, I had to move out of my apartment and back home. I needed to unpack
quickly and would be re-packing for my move to our new apartment after our
wedding. To prepare for all some unpacking and re-packing this summer, I spent
a lot of time organizing everything before I graduated. I didn't just label
boxes. I had different-sized ziplock bags- - each labeled, in piles and by
categories. Everything had a specific place. And yet, as it sat in my bedroom
after moving home, I thought, "What a mess." Despite all the labeled
and organized bags and boxes, my floor was still covered. Despite my best
efforts, it was still a mess….however organized I tried to make it.
I feel like life has a way of reflecting my organized mess. I label, I
categorize, I try to make sense of what is going on and yet...the mess is still
a mess. I think of the "mess" in my life I've tried to organize on my
own - - a conflict, a busyness, a particular struggle. But the reality is that
I can't do it on my own. My labeled ziplocks and organized boxes don't get rid
of it; my attempt doesn't get rid of it. The fact is that the mess is still
there and the floor is covered. Try as I may, I need someone to address the
mess. I need a Savior - - One who is my comfort, my strength, my Reconciler.
It's a choice I make to depend on Him. It's a decision to fully surrender my
labeled ziplocks - - my solutions, my way and my control. It's allowing Christ
to be more than just in my life, but the Lord and Ruler of my days.
He gives us Himself through His Spirit to guide us when we choose to follow
Him. My daily choice is to surrender my control to His calling; to hand over
the Sharpies and ziplocks and follow His direction for dealing with the mess
through prayer, spending time in His Word, listening to His Spirit and contributing
within a community of believers.
challenge: What will we choose today? Regardless, my organized mess was
still...a mess. The boxes are unpacked now, but I am thankful for the reminder
to make the choice to surrender my solutions, my control, my way and to submit
to the Lord of my life.
Identify what mess you are having a hard time "surrendering" to the
Before the day gets busy, take time to make the choice to give it to Him.
just graduated from Bethel University as an Elementary Education major and has
recently returned from her honeymoon with her husband, Andrew. She serves with
Children’s Ministries at Oakwood and a fourth grade teacher at Lake Country
Christian Academy.