Monday, July 30, 2012

Speak When He Says, “Speak”
By Susan Klein

“Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says.’”
Ezekiel 2:4b

Recently, my family and I were enjoying a restful Sunday afternoon at the beach. The weather was balmy, the water refreshing, and the pleasure of each other’s company made for a delightful afternoon. Our tranquility was abruptly interrupted as a group of people parked themselves within feet of our cozy little assemblage. Loud profanity began to pour out, polluting everything in its path. Many glances in their direction showed disapproval from a number of other beachgoers, yet no one ventured over to stop the cacophony of this intoxicated brood.

Heart pounding, my “flesh” wanted to give them a piece of my mind for ruining what had been a wonderful day for many people in the vicinity. I eventually asked God to show me a loving approach, but the right words wouldn’t make themselves known. Reading my pained expression, my son told me not to bother - - it would have no impact on this particular bunch. Agreeing with him, my husband suggested we pack up and head home.

As I recounted this story with some sisters-in-Christ, we all agreed that if the Lord had wanted me to speak, He’d have given me the right words. Approaching  intoxicated people with wisdom would have been rather pointless and not reaped a positive outcome. Jesus suggests a similar thing in Matthew 7:6, as He uses a graphic metaphor to instruct His disciples to not try to correct those unwilling to receive correction nor offer wisdom to those unwilling to receive it, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and then turn and tear you to pieces.”

In some situations, I believe the Lord would have us remain silent. That said, when the Holy Spirit does  prompt us to speak, we are to heed His calling. When He spoke to the Prophet Ezekiel, he warned him that the people of Israel would be rebellious, and maybe not even listen to him, but he was to speak God’s words to them regardless (Ezekiel 2:5). God had a definite message to be delivered to the people through Ezekiel and made it known. When we are in a questionable situation, we need to inquire of the Lord. If we act on our own, we may end up making an already bad situation even worse. Conversely, if we don’t act at all, we may be in the wrong (James 4:17).

If asked, God will always direct us appropriately for the circumstance. The key is to listen, and only speak when He says, “Speak.”

1. How do you currently determine when to speak and when not to?
2. Do you rely more on your gut instinct or the Holy Spirit for guidance?

Proverbs 16:20-23, 18:13; Ecclesiastes 3:7b

Susan is We Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark lead a couples' small group in their home; she is also involved in inner city outreach.