Wasteful Speed Radars
By Lexi Ellis
Let love be genuine.
Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly
affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
12:9-10 (ESV)
there was a portable speed radar placed right in front of a stop sign. As car
after car approached, the device kept blinking zero. While amusing, it seemed a
complete waste and misuse of resources. It wasn’t needed and it wasn’t doing
the job it was designed to do - - to slow speeding people down.
realized there are many things in my life like that could be wasteful speed
radars sitting next to a stop sign. First, what do I worry and dwell on - - spend
all my time and energy and resources on - - that are really a complete waste?
What anxieties actually prevent me from doing the job I was designed to do - - to
proclaim the saving grace of my Savior, and love others like He loved. These
things I spend so much time and energy on…could they potentially be used in a
better way?
often my attitudes and actions are like speed radars. The way I think and act
turn into missed opportunities to be like Christ. Just like the speed radar
should have been placed elsewhere to be effective, my attitudes and actions are
often misplaced. Is the tone I use with a student a wasteful speed radar or
helpful and compassionate? Is the attitude I have towards my husband a wasteful
speed radar or respectful and “partnering”? Are my actions towards my family
and friends a wasteful speed radar, or uplifting and supportive?
when we enter into a relationship with Him, we are equipped by the Holy Spirit;
we are given an incredible resource…God in us! And we’ve been given His
timeless Word, a way He communicates to us. Yet, so often I do not yield to His
guiding and allow His Word and His Spirit to work through me. These incredible
resources end up like that wasteful portable speed radar in front of the stop
sign if I don’t use them!
realized there are many wasteful speed radars: my worries, actions and attitudes;
my ignoring of God’s Spirit and Word. And yet, we serve a forgiving and
compassionate God who desires our acknowledgement of our wasteful speed radars coupled
with our repentance. While I see I have a whole lot to work on, I have a big
God to work in me. I am thankful for the reminder that I need to be constantly
working on adjusting my misplaced and wasteful speed radars.
What are your wasteful speed radars - - 1. worries, 2. actions or attitudes or
3. ignoring God’s Spirit or Word?
Lexi is married to
Andrew, serves with Oakwood’s Children’s Ministries, teaches at Lake Country
Christian Academy and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.