Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Remembering the Sabbath By Brita Crouse

Remembering the Sabbath
By Brita Crouse

“For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

I have known the commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy since I was very young, but it wasn’t until college that I began taking it seriously. I would purposefully take a day off from homework, usually Saturday or Sunday, and spend time developing my relationships with others and with God.

Now, most people would be happy to take a day off from homework... but, for me, a Dean’s List college student, it was really difficult. If I wasn’t doing anything, I felt guilty because I knew I had so many things to get done. However, God quickly took my perspective of the Sabbath and turned it around, and I started to see it as a huge blessing.

In a productivity-based culture, it is hard not  to feel guilty if you take an entire day off to rest. We are made to believe we are lazy and a detriment to society if we are not always pushing ourselves and working harder. That is such a lie!

I have found after taking an entire day to rest and spend time with God, I am much more productive and make better use of my time. I also feel more rested and closer to God after intentionally taking time to spend with Him. God didn’t give us this commandment for nothing. Even He took a day off to rest... after creating the entire universe!

Since I’m not in college anymore, my Sabbath practices have changed a little. Instead of giving up homework, now I try to stay off of Facebook and email. I’ll take a nap, to give my body physical rest. I spend quality time with my family. I make a point to tell my employers that Sundays are off-limits for working. I take bike rides or go for a run to enjoy God’s creation. And, most importantly, I take a large portion of the day to spend time with God, the One who allows me rest.

I’m definitely not perfect with my Sabbath practices, but I can notice a huge difference in my attitude and work ethic when I feel well-rested, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

Rest in God’s presence and He will restore your spirit! 

1.  Practice the Sabbath for the next month. Make a list of differences you notice in your attitude and level of productivity.
2.  What are things you can give up one day out of the week to help you keep the Sabbath holy?


Brita recently graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Psychology, has been attending Oakwood for sixteen years, and is currently a helper for Oakwood’s Quest 56.