Thursday, February 19, 2015

Are You Living a Covenant Life?
By Susan Klein

“…for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.”

Our car insurance contract is changing. One of our driver’s rates is decreasing due to maintaining a good driving record. Another’s is about to go up due to a pending car purchase. Contracts change. They can also be broken. If we were not satisfied with our insurance provider, we could cancel our policy and build a contract with a new company. Likewise, many people are employed under a contract. If dissatisfied with their working conditions, they can dispute, negotiate, or even strike over their contracts in an effort to effect change.

Covenants are not contracts. Covenants cannot be cancelled or revoked. They never have to be renewed or renegotiated. They are absolutely binding regardless of the circumstances. If one party in the covenant is dissatisfied with the other party’s conduct, it doesn’t allow for starting over and building a new one. Covenants are a done deal.

Christ-followers have a covenant (not a contract) relationship with God. We have entered into a loving relationship with Him that cannot and will not be changed. When God calls us to Him, and we accept that call, Scripture tells us that it is irrevocable. God is, in essence, saying to us, “You are now mine, and nothing you can do (or anyone else can do) will alter that in any way.” No one else can snatch you from Him, and none of your sins or mistakes will negate His covenant promise of making you His heir. His covenant is not based on His satisfaction with your performance. It is solely based on His Word, His promise. Ever wonder why David got away from Saul’s murderous pursuits so many times, or why God still kept His promise to David even after he committed murder? He had a covenant relationship with God. God doesn’t go back on His word.

Signed, sealed, secured. You are His. You are free to enter into and enjoy His presence, to partake in the riches of His grace and mercy, and to look forward to a future of eternal glory. You have a covenant relationship with the Almighty God. With security like that, we can experience peace in times of trouble, and joy in times of persecution. Are you enjoying a covenant life?

1. How does your secure position affect your response to trials?
2. How does your covenant with God affect your relationship with others?


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads a Wednesday Night Community small group.