By Karen D’Amore
“…I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be
encouraged by yours.”
Romans 1:12
my co-worker train for her first half marathon has drawn me to reminisce about my race days, many years ago.
I recall the energy and enthusiasm of the spectator-lined streets, with race
supporters clapping, cheering and chanting: “You can do it!” “You’re almost
there - - KEEP GOING!” Initially, I planned on being my co-worker’s race day
“spectating-cheerleader,” until she encouraged me to train and run the race
with her.
aid in my training, I purchased and activated a Fitbit. Worn on the wrist, this
high-performance wireless device tracks steps taken, distance traveled,
calories burned, very active minutes and quality of sleep. With my pre-set
fitness goals programmed into the application, my Fitbit buzzes when I’m close
to reaching my goals and displays vivid fanfare when I’ve reached my goals. My
Fitbit has been my perpetual cheerleader and encourager throughout my training.
With every “buzz” of encouragement…I’m compelled to “KEEP GOING!”
my early race years while living in Southern California, training/running conditions
were optimal year round. Now in the Midwest, winter weather hinders my
training/running capabilities. Though environmental obstacles threaten to
discourage my training, my Fitbit’s goal-achieving alerts inspire and encourage
me to persevere and stay on course with my training, even amidst ice and snow.
Being impacted by the encouraging power of this little bracelet-like device, I
pondered the possibility of such a device for spiritual training.
likens our faith-walk to “running a race.” That racecourse is inundated with
obstacles and hindrances which impact our endurance and perseverance. While we
wrestle with the internal hindrances of sin, we also encounter external hurdles
like sickness, death, betrayal, injustices and hardships. And while, as
believers, we’re responsible for running our own personal race, we’re not
called to run alone.
let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not
giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging
one another…” (Hebrews 10:24-25a,
be successful in our race as believers, we need to be one another’s
“cheerleaders.” We need to applaud each other when we’re doing well, and pray
for one another when we stumble and fall. And when obstacles become sources of
discouragement, tempting our teammates to quit the race, we need to be their
“race encouragers!” We need to function like Fitbits - - “buzzing” with
encouragement, urging our fellow believers to “KEEP GOING” and finish the race!
How can you function like a “Fitbit” and become a race encourager?