Monday, February 6, 2017

A Thousand Thanks
By Susan Klein

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

A few years ago, I gave a small journal to a young woman leaving for college. I told her to use it as a Gratitude Journal. I exhorted, “When things get tough at school, or you’ve just had a bad day, take time before you go to bed and journal something you are thankful for. It’ll really help!” My intent was to help keep her focus on the Giver of all good things and not on difficult circumstances.

This past year, in our family and friend circle, I’ve seen several people die and know some who are just clinging to life. There have been a few too many “bad days.” Around Thanksgiving, I decided to heed my own advice and start a Gratitude Journal. My goal was to write one thousand things that I am thankful for - - without repeating any. It didn’t seem like such a daunting task at first.

Most days I’d open the journal and easily come up with a dozen or more. As time passed, and not wanting any duplicates, I found I had to think a little harder in order to come up with new ones. Admittedly, some days I wasn’t “feeling” the gratefulness, and the journal remained out of sight. But on those days when grief was most consuming and I made the effort to pull out the journal (in spite of my feelings), it became a balm to my soul!

The enemy has a hard time doing his work when our minds are fixed upon the God of compassion who gives good gifts to His children. Even if I struggled to think of something new to jot down, just reading over the things I had previously written was encouragement for my weary heart.

I’m still working on that journal. I actually have a long way to go yet, but there is great joy in the journey! I’ve become much more attuned to things (and people) in my life which invoke thankfulness. When I see something new, I tuck it away in my mind to record the next morning. Truthfully, while I’ll definitely celebrate reaching the goal of one thousand things, I don’t know if I really want to reach it. I kind of like keeping this mindfulness of “looking for” things to be grateful for.

I suppose the journey could continue indefinitely…want to join me?

1. Will you commit to being more mindful of things God has blessed you with, and then will you share them with Him?


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads a small group.