Monday, April 16, 2018

Expect the Unexpected
By Susan Klein

“I do believe; help my unbelief!”
Mark 9:24b (NASB)

Lately I’ve been struggling with my mustard-seed faith. When life is going well, I have no trouble recalling all of God’s provision and His answers to prayer. But when the road gets rocky, and I struggle to hear Him, all I can focus on is (what I perceive to be) His absence. Why does our faith seem to fail us when we need it most?

When the Israelites were fleeing Egypt, enemies in hot pursuit, their faith began to wane as they feared for their lives. God unexpectedly parted the sea for them to walk through, unharmed. When they were without sustenance in a barren land, they unexpectedly awoke to find manna on the ground. More than they could eat.

I wonder if Mary (mother of Jesus) struggled with her faith, especially early on in her pregnancy. Did she trust that Joseph would come around to fully believe her story and support her as his wife? God unexpectedly appeared to Joseph in a dream to speak truth to his heart.

Mary and Martha must have wrestled with doubt when their brother Lazarus died. I can imagine their despair over Jesus’ absence, wondering why He hadn’t answered their pleas to heal him. Even those in attendance questioned why Jesus hadn’t arrived to help His friend. After all, He had recently opened the eyes of a blind man, a total stranger. If He truly loved Lazarus and his sisters, how could this be? Jesus unexpectedly arrived four days after the death and instead, chose to bring Lazarus back to life.

Doubting disciples unexpectedly find Jesus providing enough food to feed five thousand hungry people sitting on a hillside.

Fishermen, distraught from a worthless night of catching nothing, unexpectedly find Jesus showing them where to put their nets down. They fill to overflowing. The crowds standing by the water watch with astonishment.

All throughout Scripture, we read story after story of the Triune God showing up at unexpected times to do the most unexpected things. Yet in our own times of trouble, our fragile faith often wavers. We forget the stories. We lessen our expectations. At times, we even lose our hope. We focus on the trial instead of the One who has faithfully and repeatedly shown up for His children.

Perhaps it’s time to revisit the stories, recall the miracles, restrengthen our faith. Perhaps it’s time we start expecting the unexpected!

1. In what ways have you personally experienced God doing something unexpected?
2. Make a list or journal these times for future reference when trials cause your faith to weaken.


To revisit the biblical stories listed: Exodus 14; Exodus 16; Matthew 1; John 11; Luke 9; Luke 5

Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She serves as a mentor to young women, and is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.