Friday, September 7, 2018

Fully Alive
By Sarah Walker

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (ESV)

When we are rejected, maligned or even betrayed, it becomes hard to willingly sign up for such an experience again. Instead, we would rather keep our hearts “safe” and secluded, shaded where no one and nothing can penetrate. But left in such an environment for too long, we begin to shrivel and fade.

Last fall, I planted a few mostly shade perennials in our backyard. The area faces north and is shaded by several trees. I made sure to plant them at the right time of the year and watered them diligently once they were in the ground. This year, however, those plants did not come back. Instead, the shade and rains created the perfect conditions for mold to grow atop the mulch. This was a far cry from the leafy plants that I had hoped to see!

Sometimes, that is the condition of our hearts. A seed is planted and watered, but instead of beauty we get an eyesore. We all need sunlight. We all need to risk being burned again in order to thrive. Otherwise, the seclusion and the intentional separateness create a condition ripe for mold to grow on our hearts.

We were designed to live in community with God and with others. But we can’t fully live the lives God has planned for us if we shrink back in order to be “safe.” Yes, it means we must bravely and humbly take risks that might lead to our rejection. We may end up being incredibly awkward in the process. We might also fall flat on our faces and mess up. But we can get back up, learn from those experiences and try again.

Living in the true light of who God is, watered by His grace, covered and shaded in His protection are absolutely the best growing conditions for our souls…risks, falls, humiliation and all. There is no better place to be than tended by the Master Gardener Himself. Where, even if the process is uncomfortable, mold will not  grow on our hearts.

1.    Is there a risk you need to take to more fully live the life God has entrusted to you?
2.    How can you embrace living in community with God and with others?

Psalms 1:1-3, 91:1-2; Hebrews 10:39

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer and are expecting to welcome their third child in January.